I'm so happy that everyone had a great Christmas Holiday. I've really enjoyed looking at all the blogs and facebook pictures of the kids and decorations and such. At the same time it's really bizarre. I feel like "where was I"? It's as if the pictures are from several months back and not just last week. I have to admit I found myself being a little jealous, but then I knew that wasn't a feeling the Lord would want me to have. I've been learning and studying lately that the Lord wants our minds to change our emotions and not our hearts to lead our minds like the world teaches us. So, I've replaced that feeling and mindset of jealousy to one of gratitude and awe as the Lord has taken care of us this holiday.
Leading up to Christmas I worked a lot trying to get out of town since we weren't able to go to Mississippi for Thanksgiving. I even worked through the weekend. After seeing a couple of patients on Monday (21st) we left for our wonderful almost week long vacay to see family and friends. Monday night we met my sister and nephew for dinnner where Asher started to get really fussy. We actually had to leave earlier than we liked, but we figured he was over tired after the almost 6 hour drive.
He didn't sleep well that night which I thought was an ear infection (we're pros) coming. So, our wonderful pediatrician called us in an anitbiotic to avoid the ER. Still he became fussier and started a fever. By this point I figured it was strep which this particular anitbiotic would handle as well. It just needed time to work. After 2 more days of fever and Motrin and Tylenol around the clock we knew our little guy was sick. He even had little white bumps on his tongue. Again, we thought it was probably strep and the medicine hadn't kicked in yet.
Asher didn't care about the first present or playing or anything related to Christmas. He only wanted to be held by his Mommy. He even stopped eating and drinking on Christmas Eve. We left MS on Christmas to head to Chattanooga where we went straight to T.C. Thompson Children's Hospital. That was where he and I stayed for the next 5 days. Poor Mark was the errand boy and even had to work 2 nights during the ordeal.
While there Asher was treated for a viral infection that left his lips, tongue, gums, and throat covered in blisters. He was unable to eat and drink and had terrible pain. It even worsened a great deal after going to the hospital. This was emotionally and physically exhausting to watch our baby feel so poorly. We won't even talk about the lousy bed and being woken up every hour.
Now, this is where the gratitude part comes. Asher's body is healed now. Thankfully, this was only a temporary illness. However, the even more amazing part was the love and support that was shown to us. We had countless visitors, phone calls, and text messages. (I even had to change my cell phone plan to accommodate it all.) Those people were our prayer warriors when we were simply too tired and even forgot to pray at times. (Sounds terrible I know, but it happened.)
By Wednesday I insisted we go home. I felt as if we were being counter productive because Asher was becoming very upset when the doctors and nurses entered the room. It took 3 people to hold him down for medicines. I guess my Momma instinct kicked in that this was enough. He was well enough that the rest of his recovery could happen at home.
We got home about 10 o'clock Wednesday night, and I have not had to cook yet because of the fabulous meals brought to us. It's been such a blessing since I had to start seeing my patients right away. Asher is back to his ole self (except his schedule) playing hard with all this new Christmas loot.
So, did I have the little green monster sneak up on me...Yes. However, I know that even though we missed the holiday we have Christmas in our hearts everyday. His grace that abides in our hearts and minds through that little baby Jesus carries us through some pretty tough times!
2 years ago
I am so glad Asher is feeling better and I know ho you feel about the "where was I" Christmas. As you know, Brian is deployed and I was so not into it this year, and frankly only put the tree up because we had kids here. I had to keep reminding myself to not mope around and be sad, but greatful we got to see him on webcam! Still thinking of Asher!
That green monster shows up in my life more often than I like to admit, which leads me to a bad attitude. I am really trying to be truly different this year.
Glad Asher is feeling better.
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