I've decided that experienced moms must be laughing hesterically at us newer moms. Being the enthusiastic Mom that I am I went bearing cookies and those little fold over cartoon character valentines to Asher's party at daycare today. There was possibly a skip in my step I was so excited. Well, one: I was the only parent there. Of course the "bigger kid" classes were overflowing with Moms and Dads, but come on! He's 11 months old! So, I'm questioning why I'm even here. He doesn't even know what a Valentine is or does he care. Two: it was just flat out a BAD idea! He cried the whole time throwing fistfuls of sprinkle clad cupcakes and sodium laced cheese puffs in the floor. Asher wanted his Mommy, and that was that. When Mommy comes, that means we are going home. Then, what does mean ole Mommy do? She expects the poor baby to sit strapped in a high chair and eat foreign foods. Asher's party was no party at all unless, of course you find spending time with a red-faced screaming child a hoot. I mean, really. What did I expect? Poor, baby!
2 years ago