Monday, June 21, 2010

Father Knows Best

On Father's Day this year we had a pretty exciting announcement for many of our friends. We're having a baby due on my birthday in January! The Lott household is really excited about the gift that God has chosen us to have.
We have constantly been back and forth about the practicality of having more children versus my real desire to have a house full. Like many others there are so many aspects to consider like finances, the crazy world they'd live in, the balance between the necessity of work, yada yada yada. Well, our Lord gave us our answer. HE has planned our little family.
Some people might find it dreadfully tacky that I openly admit that both our babies were not expected. What would our children think if we told them they were accidents? Well first off, that's absolutely not the case. There are no accidents here. God knew exactly what he was doing when he created our little babies. Because of that I choose to share our story as a testimony of how my Lord and Savior knows best and is all powerful despite any plans I may have. Although it's very likely we would have started "trying" as soon as I found a job with paid vacation time I am thrilled to know God has special plans for us even sooner. With that said it won't be easy, and there are some kinks to work out along the way like my maternity leave,but if God can form this meticulous, perfect image of Himself in me then I'm certain he can work out those small details! I praise Him for our children and the small amount of understanding He's shown me in this journey so far!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Best Mother's Day

Instead of taking a big vacation this year we've decided to take a couple small ones, and Vacation Part 1 one was a hit. We had a great time, and Mark only had to use 1 vacation day. (No worries about them going to waste though. I'm sure I can find some work on the house to use them)
Our destination was St. Joe Beach. We loved it for it's simplicity. The area is comprised of mostly locals and vacation home owners and a couple of small restaurants. A friend of ours from that area described it as "Old Florida". It's not "touristy" dense with go cart tracks and malls. It's more like a little Margaritaville. The people are so friendly, and it's super laid back there. Not ironing something (except the cow licks on my head) was a difficult concept for me at first, but I quickly got over it. We just vegged on the beach, enjoyed a wine and art festival, and ate great seafood.
It was the best Mother's Day I've had yet. I even got to enjoy breakfast at an open air restaurant on the beach Sunday morning.
With all that said I'm making a motion to make St Joe Beach at Mother's Day an annual event!...heck, I'll take Father's Day too if I can get it:)

Conquering his sensory issues with sand. I mean over. it! Hallelujah!

Playing hard

Getting "juice" from the ocean

Playing with Daddy. No oil here!

A very tired little boy saying goodbye to the beach. (taken on an iphone)

Bye, St Joe!

Monday, April 19, 2010


We finally got Asher's current stats. As of April 12th at 3 years and almost 1 month he was 37 1/4 inches tall (50th percentile) and 29 lbs (25th percentile). The doctor said he was perfect and doing great! Her "talking to" about his teeth brushing (per our request) along with a new electric toothbrush has done wonders. Thank heavens no more "pirate teeth" at the Lott House!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Asher turned THREE this month. Time really is a mother's enemy. It just steals your baby right from you.

As for the birthday festivities we had a great time. He had a party at Pump It Up complete with a Thomas cake. This was the first party where he invited his friends and not Daddy and Momma's. A lot of the Moms thanked me for wearing their children out and assuring afternoon naps...I'm happy to oblige.
We don't have his 3 year old stats yet because we had to cancel his well appointment and now he has the sniffles. We'll have them in the next week or two though. He's definitely gone through a growth spurt up but still not out. He's rockin' his too short 24 month sized pants! It's a guarentee if they are long enough then they will fall off. We just choose our battles. We prefer his bottom to be covered versus his ankles:)
Asher still loves Thomas, Dora, and Diego, and his new love is Chuggington on Disney. He's a picky eater, but will chow down on some pancakes, English peas, cheeseburgers (ketchup only), cereal bars, "Welcome to Moe's" bean burritos, Mac n Cheese, and any kind of sweets.
His favorite activities are playing trains, swinging, going to church, and drawing. He takes computer and gymnastic classes, and he starts swimming lessions tomorrow. We're hopeful he'll like that.
A church friend of ours is starting her own photography biz (Slatton Photography), and we were happy to be one of her first models. Here is our THREE year old cutie:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Easily Amused

So I feel like sometimes that I'm possibly the busiest person on Earth. Mark kindly points out to me that EVERYone feels like that. Oh.

Well, I've started killing two birds with one stone in the area of time. I shop for groceries and household items. That's a must, right? Well, now I do it with wild enthusiasm because I am superhero "crazy coupon cutting CVS shopping saver girl". I get it done AND I get it done for a lot cheaper. It's such a game to me to see how much I can save each shopping trip. If my total saved is not at least 50% of my overall bill I'm distraut. Well, not really but I am replaying in my head how I could have done better. It's such an empowering feeling to accomplish such a fete and save our household major bucks. I'm a dork and can say it's kind of a hobby now. Mark jokes it's my new parttime job because I save so much. Besides the actual coupon clipping and sale chasing I'll share with you why I think extreme couponing works: 1. I NEVER go to Wal-Mark now so there is never a buggie full of junk that I didn't intend on buying 2. Our pantry, fridge, and freezer is well stocked so I feel less tempation to eat out which for a long time has been a huge money pit for us. 3. I stick pretty well to my list.All you see here=$7 bucks, Baby! 3 Stacy's chips, 3 True North snacks, 2 Gatorades, 2 Dove Deoderants, 1 Toothpaste with free sample, and 1 Almay eyeshadow. That's CVS-ing my friends!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Growing Pains

So we have not dropped off the planet. I've been working a lot lately. Hopefully that will be slowing down. Here are a few pics just to prove how busy we've been...or at least how busy Mark has been:) Our dining room is almost complete! One more room down!!!
Also, just so you can appreciate the work that goes into this Mark guts each room down to the studs to rewire and put up new sheet rock. This crosses the line from remodel to renovation in my mind! So THAT is why it can take months sometimes for us to complete a project. He just does it in his "spare time" cause he has so much of that ya know!View of Dining Room from the living room when we bought the house

View of Dining Room from the kitchen during kitchen project this summer. There was a wall dividing the 2 rooms. You can see on the left side where the 2 types of flooring transition.
(don't know what the wierd orbs are about)
View of our Dining Room today from the same view as above. It still needs moldings/trim and a LOT of decorating.
Our beautiful refinished floors. Love them!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

5 things

I got tagged by Erin to answer five things.


1) Answer five questions with five answers.

2) Tag five people

1. Where were you ten years ago?
-I was in my sophomore year of college at Northeast Community College living in Mississippi Hall with Katy Flynn
-Biology/PreMed major with the intentions of going into Speech Language Pathology once transferred
-My best buds at Northeast were Katie, Katy, and Katie (No kidding). For fun we went to the BSU, coffee shop in Tupelo or the Supercenter in Corinth. Booneville wasn't a real happenin' place.
-Worked my first summer at Camp Lake Stephens

2. What is on your to-do list for today?
- put up and finish laundry
- do some couponing
-use the cold/wet weather as a great excuse to stay in and do nothing
-get the thawed ground beef in the fridge cooked

3. What five snacks do you enjoy?
-Ice Cream...not just regular ole vanilla either. I want something mixed in like a yummy Bruster's flavor or Marble Slab
-Muddie Buddy mix made out of Chex Mix. I could eat my weight in that.
-Finger foods (I totally second that, Erin)
- pretzels with honey mustard and sweet tea from McAllisters. That's just a combo I've loved for years. I've been known to stop there just for a "snack".

4. Where are five places you have lived?
Tupelo, MS
Alpine, MS
Booneville, MS

Columbus, MS
Chattanooga, TN

5. Name five things you would do if you were a billionaire.
-Tithe plus offering
-buy some land and build our dream house
-Hire a maid
-Have 2 more kids and adopt internationally
-Stop working!

And now I tag:

-Conner C.
-Katy A.
-Katie B.
-Amy S.
-Alyson H.

“As a mother, my job is to take care of what is possible and trust God with the impossible.”--Ruth Bell Graham